Uber has a sexual assault problem.

With alarming frequency, passengers are sexually assaulted and harassed by drivers that have not been adequately screened by Uber.

Now Uber has found a new way to silence survivors: by limiting their access to the legal representation they need to hold Uber responsible in court. Join the movement to hold these massive tech companies accountable!

“It almost felt like the driver was just waiting for someone to get in the car and like a young girl to take advantage of.” -Alex, sexual assault survivor

Holding Uber Accountable

For years, survivors have been trying to hold Uber accountable for prioritizing its corporate profits over their personal safety. And, for years, Uber blocked survivors’ claims by forcing them into confidential arbitration. Now that Congress has made that maneuver illegal- and now that Uber is facing thousands of lawsuits nationwide over its failure to prevent sexual assaults —Uber has a new strategy for silencing survivors: Its plan is to rig the civil justice system—first in Nevada and then, if it succeeds, in other states. 

Uber’s Plan

Uber’s new ballot initiative in Nevada would allow Uber to hire the most expensive lawyers in the world, with no limits on its attorneys’ fees, while imposing unprecedented limits on survivors’ and regular people’s ability to obtain the legal representation they need to sue Uber. They are funneling millions of dollars into the State to try and convince Nevadans that out-of-state tech billionaires are actually victims.

Read more here : Eric Neugeboren, Suit: Uber-backed proposal to cap attorney fees would harm sexual assault victims, Nevada Independent, April 8, 2024

What Happens If Uber’s Initiative Passes?

If Uber’s initiative passes, Nevada would impose the most extreme barrier on people’s access to civil justice of any state in the nation.

How is Uber Trying to Trick Nevada Voters?

If voters knew what was really at stake with Uber’s proposal, they’d reject it out of hand. So Uber has tried to do what it has done in other states: create voter confusion through obfuscation. Uber has single-handedly bankrolled a PAC with a misleading name (“Nevadans for Fair Recovery”), mounted a misleading PR campaign, and even made misleading statements about which groups are supporting it. When it announced the initiative, Uber claimed that it was designed to “put victims first.” But the truth is that Uber has consistently put survivors of sexual assault last.

Say NO to Uber’s Initiative in Nevada
and Stop Uber’s free ride!

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